NLP, or neuro-linguistic programming, is a collection of psychological techniques that effectively communicates with the listener's unconscious or unconscious mind. In modern-day terms, brain-hax.
The end result is that you can communicate, argue, negotiate, debate, and persuade people (or yourself) much more effectively. Astoundingly, significantly, suspiciously more effectively! So... why is it called NLP?
- Neuro because it retrains brain pathways
- Linguistic because it uses language
- Programming because it re-configures things
What can NLP do?
The tagline around here at NLP Secrets is "Upgrade Your Mind" which is the best way I can describe the effects of NLP. You can use these techniques to level up your cognition, memory, sensory perception, appearance and communication skills.
NLP is an extremely powerful tool when used correctly. Derren Brown, the world-famous mentalist, has used NLP techniques to talk a stranger into giving him their wallet in 20 seconds. It's that effective.
A Quick Example of NLP
Don't think of a black cat.
What's the first thing you just did after reading that? You thought of a black cat, didn't you? I said DON'T think of a black cat. Of course, I knew you would really because the command "think of a black cat" was embedded in that sentence.
And so before you could concentrate on NOT thinking of a black cat, your unconscious neural pathways had already helpfully lined up a picture of a black cat for you.
How could this simple hack possibly be used to help you think differently in the real world?
Imagine you've got a five-year-old son and he's wandering towards a busy road. We've established that if we yell to him "Don't walk on the road!" we've given him an embedded instruction to do the very thing we want to avoid.
Instead, you'd say to him "Stop! Come here right now!" This is a direct instruction phrased in the positive. And it could make all the difference in keeping his bones and tissues intact for another day.
Another example. You say to your partner "Don't forget to buy milk on the way home!" Now they're more likely to forget because the subliminal instruction was to forget.
What you should say is "Remember to buy milk". It's the positive instruction that makes all the difference. You can throw in "when you pass the store later" for good measure. That way, they visualise the store too, so when they see it in real life, they're much more likely to remember to buy milk.
If you really want to be sure they remember the milk, have them say "When I pass the store today, gallons of milk will explode out the windows and splash me in the face". Why? Because it invoke sensations, images and emotions into the mnemonic... That's the next level of NLP.
We've scratched the surface of NLP today and I hope this gives you a flavour of how neuro-linguistic programming works and the kind of applications it can have in your life, from the mundane to the live-saving.
Meet Some NLP Masters
NLP masters are individuals who have thoroughly mastered Neuro-Linguistic Programming, showcasing its incredible capabilities and inspiring others to achieve the same level of proficiency. Notable examples are typically life-affirming people who help others enhance their own positivity.
NLP Master Tony Robbins
Tony Robbins is an American motivational speaker and best-selling self-help author, widely regarded as the most successful motivational speaker globally. He has helped millions achieve their personal goals and improve their quality of life.
Tony Robbins learned NLP from John Grinder, the co-founder of NLP. His profound understanding of the human mind has propelled him to greatness, earning him the role of mental coach for top level athletes and sports teams. Tony Robbins has authored many excellent books, including Awaken The Giant Within and Life Force.
NLP Master Paul McKenna
Paul McKenna learned NLP and hypnosis from Richard Bandler, the other co-creator of NLP. He holds two doctorates and his 70,000-word thesis on NLP is highly influential. He is Britain's bestselling non-fiction author, having sold 3 million books in 3 years, and his TV shows and live appearances have been watched and attended by hundreds of millions of people in 42 countries around the world.
Paul has famously worked his brand of personal transformation with Hollywood movie stars, Olympic gold medallists, rock stars, top businesspeople and royalty. He astounds his audiences and clients by proving how small changes in our lives can yield huge results, whether it's curing a lifelong phobia or a devastating addiction, or clearing up deep-seated issues, all within a timeframe of days.
Paul McKenna has also authored some superb books, including I Can Make You Rich and Change Your Life in Seven Days.
NLP Master Derren Brown
Derren Brown is an English mentalist, illusionist and writer with a solid reputation for his development of memory techniques, hypnosis, body language reading, cognitive psychology, cold reading, and psychological, subliminal (specifically the use of PWA; "perception without awareness"), and ideomotor suggestion. His effortless demonstrations are what sparked my interest in NLP years ago.
Derren Brown has a flexible approach to NLP, the foundations of which are described on this website simply because they work the best. Derrren's best selling books include Happy: Why More or Less Everything is Absolutely Fine and A Book of Secrets: Finding Solace in a Stubborn World.

NLP Technique: Swish
Swish, also known as Swish Pattern, is an NLP technique that is very useful for replacing an unfavourable emotion or behaviour with a more useful one. With a little bit of creativity, Swish can be used to do a lot of useful things, such as make going to the gym more fun or making foods that are good for you taste better.

NLP Seduction
NLP Seduction is an entire art on its own. If you have a thorough understanding of NLP, seduction is a straightforward process. Some suggest that using NLP for seduction is unethical, and that we shouldn't use "mind control" for seduction, but I strongly disagree. Everyone who attempts seduction is using some form of mind control whether they know it or not. Buying flowers, wearing cologne, even having dinner with someone has far deeper psychological connections than you may expect, and are forms of mind control.

Upgrade Your Mind with NLP Secrets. Boost Confidence. Beat Anxiety. Quit Addictions. Build Rapport.