This is a basic free hypnosis induction script that can be used by anyone. It is not a deep catatonic inducer but it is enough for the mild hypnosis I prefer to use.
The hypnotee should sit in a very comfortable chair or (even better) lie on a soft surface such as a couch or bed. There should be no distractions and the hypnotee must feel at rest.
It can be a good idea to explain to the hypnotee that they are not going to enter any deep catatonic states, and nothing will be altered, and the whole process is very safe. Some people believe that hypnosis is very dangerous and must be done by an experienced professional. These same people must believe that telling a joke should only be done by a professional comedian. As long as you have the hypnotee's best interests at heart, everything will be fine.
Speak in a slow, calm, clear voice. Do not mumble or raise your voice. The hypnotee should be instructed to just go with the flow, and reminded it is not always possible to enter a light catatonic state on the first try.
Free Hypnosis Induction Script
Make yourself comfortable...
Place your feet flat on the floor...
And rest your hands on your thighs...
Rest your hands down by your side...
And gently allow your eyelids to close...
And just begin to allow yourself to relax...
Letting all your cares and worries go...
And at this moment in time...
Nothing matters...
As you switch off your thoughts...
And just allow this time for yourself...
So that you can unwind completely...
And as you begin to feel more and more relaxed...
Letting go of any worries or problems...
That may have been on your mind lately...
And there is no need to fight any unwanted negative thoughts...
As they will soon drift out of your mind again...
Just as easily as they came...
I would like you to take a couple of deep breaths ...
Slowly filling your lungs with fresh air...
And as you exhale ...
You will relax more and more...
With every outbreath...
And as you gently slow your breathing down...
You begin to feel more and more relaxed...
More and more comfortable...
You will feel your whole body sinking into the couch/chair...
And you will notice how relaxed your whole body has become...
From the top of you head...
To the tips of your toes...
Your eyelids have become very heavy...
And may even twitch at this moment...
As you let go of any tension in your body...
And all the muscles in your jaw have become limp and relaxed...
As your jaw sinks down...
And your tongue rest gently on the bottom of your mouth...
And you are beginning to drift down deeper and deeper...
Feeling more and more relaxed with every word I speak...
And as this wave of relaxation spreads down your neck and shoulders...
And all the way down your arms to your fingertips...
You may feel a tingling sensation in your fingertips...
As your arms grow as heavy as lead...
And you soon become aware of a growing peaceful feeling inside...
A feeling of calmness and contentment...
As you feel every muscle in your chest and abdomen...
Become limp and relaxed...
And all the muscles in your back are relaxing...
Almost like a mental massage...
And all the way down your spine...
The muscles loosen and relax...
And as you drift down deeper and deeper relaxed...
You let this wave of relaxation spread all the way down your legs...
So that your legs become as heavy as lead...
And every muscle in your legs becomes limp and relaxed...
So that you are completely relaxed from the top of your head...
To the tips of your toes...
And as the outside world...
Fades more into the background...
As you begin your journey into your own inner world...
To that unique and special part of you...
That only you can go to...
You continue to let go...
Of any negative thoughts or feelings...
And any sounds around you...
Or in the distance...
Will fade into the background...
The only sound that will matter to you...
Will be the sound of my voice...
Which will continue to take you deeper and deeper...
Into a wonderful state of relaxation...
And you may soon find that your mind begins to wander...
And it doesn't matter where you drift...
Where you go...
My voice will travel with you at all times...
So that you will continue...
To respond to me on an unconscious level...
And in a few moments time...
You will hear me say the word...
And when you hear me say the word...
All the unnecessary nervous tension is going out of your body...
And your body...
Will continue to sink down...
Becoming more and more limp ...
More and more relaxed...
And comfortable too...
Just feel yourself sinking down into the couch/chair...
Your head sinking down into the pillow...
Becoming even more comfortable...
Feeling completely at peace...
And calm and contented...
As you continue to drift down...
Really enjoying this wonderful feeling of complete relaxation...
And there may be times when...
You will not be aware of your body...
You wont be aware of your body at all...
As you continue to go deeper and deeper relaxed...
Deeper and deeper relaxed...
--- Free Hypnosis Induction Script Ends ---

NLP Technique: Swish
Swish, also known as Swish Pattern, is an NLP technique that is very useful for replacing an unfavourable emotion or behaviour with a more useful one. With a little bit of creativity, Swish can be used to do a lot of useful things, such as make going to the gym more fun or making foods that are good for you taste better.

NLP Seduction
NLP Seduction is an entire art on its own. If you have a thorough understanding of NLP, seduction is a straightforward process. Some suggest that using NLP for seduction is unethical, and that we shouldn't use "mind control" for seduction, but I strongly disagree. Everyone who attempts seduction is using some form of mind control whether they know it or not. Buying flowers, wearing cologne, even having dinner with someone has far deeper psychological connections than you may expect, and are forms of mind control.

Upgrade Your Mind with NLP Secrets. Boost Confidence. Beat Anxiety. Quit Addictions. Build Rapport.